For the sixteen Halford Hewitt Schools shown below (ages 55 and over) 


1.  Establishing the Tournament.
The Mellin Tournament (hereinafter referred to as “The Mellin”) commenced in 1960 as a golf tournament for the former pupils of 16 Schools:

Aldenham                  Cranleigh               Haileybury                Mill Hill
Bedford                      Downside               Hurstpierpoint         Oundle
Bradfield                    Felsted                    Lancing                     Sherborne
Cheltenham               Forest                     Loretto                       Shrewsbury

There are three separate competitions for the following trophies:

The GL Mellin Salver and Plate
The Peter Burles Salver
The Bunny Millard Salver

At the Annual General Meeting held on 19 January 2023 at West Hill Golf Club, this formal constitution for the Mellin was approved. 

2.   Purpose of the Tournament.
The principal purpose of the Mellin is the operation of the competitions every year as a non-profit event. This includes all planning, administration and financial management. 

3.  Constitution.
3.1 Each of the 16 Schools will be entitled to be a Member of the Mellin and to nominate a representative to attend and to vote at Annual General Meetings and at any Extraordinary General Meetings. A quorum will be 6 Members. No school shall have more than 1 vote. 

3.2 Membership.
Membership is limited to 16 Schools. In the event of any School ceasing to be a member, a replacement, being another current Halford Hewitt School,  may only be elected at the Annual General Meeting.  

3.3 Annual General Meeting

      All Members shall be given 28 days’ clear notice of the Annual General Meeting which shall be held every year on or around the third Thursday of January. The purpose of meeting is to elect the Managing Committee Members, the Honorary President, approving the Annual Accounts and any decisions or resolutions relating to the Mellin.

3.4 Decisions and Resolutions.
Voting on all decisions and resolutions at General Meetings will require not less than two-thirds majority of those present. Voting by Proxy is permitted if a member school representative is unable to attend the Annual General Meeting and/or an Extraordinary General Meeting. 

3.5 Honorary President.

      An Honorary President will be proposed and seconded at the Annual General Meeting for a three-year term. The position has no voting rights at any meeting. 

3.6 Managing Committee.
A Managing Committee comprising a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer must be elected annually at the General Meeting by the members. Nominations for any of these positions must be duly proposed and seconded and submitted in writing to the Chairman 21 days before the date or proposed date of the Annual General Meeting. These committee members have no voting rights, unless they have been nominated to act as proxy representatives by their respective School. The Managing Committee will meet at least twice a year to update and manage the Mellin business. 

3.7 Financial Management.
Annual Accounts together with annual plans and budgets will be prepared for approval at the Annual General Meeting. 

3.8 Bank Accounts.
A bank account in the name of The Mellin Tournament will be set up. All receipts and payments will be processed through that account. A deposit account may also be opened with a Bank or Building Society. 

3.9 Signatories.
All payments and legal discharges may be authorised by any 2 members of the Managing Committee. 

3.10 Rules.
The golf competitions are managed by a set of Rules (see Appendices) which can only be amended by a resolution approved at the Annual General Meeting and must adhere to the Rules of Golf as set out by the R & A and the USGA governing bodies, together with any Local Rules in place at the host Club.